Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Congratualtions1! Boy or Girl?

At 7:46 this morning I was watching as I became just one of 300,000,000. How much longer can I be unique?


Ain't Nothing But A Hound Dawg said...

Dharma...you will always be unique.But here is a question...if you were in charge of growing your clone,and you could either change you anyway you wanted(ie life experiences,etc),or leave your clone just like you...would you change you at all or would you keep what you are now(which is very special and unique as is)?And Why?

Dharma said...

I would make some changes. But I can say that now because hindsight is 20/20.

Esteban said...

Just be glad you don't live in China.

Dharma said...

For sure!!