Saturday, August 26, 2006

Cheers & 30 Days

This morning I have added 2 new links for your reading pleasure. They are Cheers,which is the USA Today section on wine and Morgan Spurlocks blog that is both personal and about his show 30 Days.

Jerry Shriver is the guy that blogs about the wine over at USA Today and I have tried many of his reccomendations. Almost ALL are $15 and under, which I consider to be a great price, as I even have sipped MANY a wine in the $9.99 category. Heck, for those of you who know me, you know that I just sip allot of wine!! Although the last time I had anything out of a box was at my wedding reception.

Aside from his most current reccomendations you can also browse through the wine color spectrum etc. So I hope that you will enjoy that little read and maybe find something new to try. Personally I must tell you that I did a little wine tasting yesterday, at a local wine establishment, and found out that the Rose of my youth; Riunite and Annie Green Springs, is not the Rose of the here and now!! I tasted 4 different, modern and grown up Roses and found them to be, not only different and very beautiful in color,but 3 of them were dry enough for me and wines that I would buy!! Wow!! I faced my fears and got away from the chardonnay world and expanded my horizons. Now you all get out there and do the same.

Next is Morgan Spurlock. I do not know if any of you watch his show 30 Days, but I recently became a convert. Maybe it was while I was having wine..........hmmmmmmm. But seriously, I caught a new episode where a youngish pro-choice woman went to spend 30 days with a pro-life husband and wife. It was interesting and I have mentioned that episode on Mixter's blog. Also the episode on outsourcing jobs from the US to India was a good one. An American guy went to India, after losing his job due to the outsourcing, and he spent 30 days in the training center vying for the job he lost among all the Indians vying to get the jobs that were once in this country. Also a very good episode. I have not tapped this program yet, but I think that I am going to add it my my collection of tapped shows as the topic seem to usually be of very current interest.

So, there you have it, and maybe if you have not already seen this program or read this blog, I may given you a small temporary diversion for the moment or evening. Maybe, while having that glass of wine and a nice cheese, hey even string cheese works for me, you might sit back and catch an episode that catches your interest.



Sam Spade said...

I have never had much wine.I drink a merlot ever so often(but according to 'Sideways' that isn't even a real wine).Your post gives me a great thirst for it,though...makes me want to dabble.
'Thirty Days' IS a show I have been being to watch.The boys show the movie about McDonald's,and his take on things seem svery interesting.
Maybe I will sut down with a bottle of wine and watch it.

Anonymous said...

I want to watch 30 Days, also. I'll have to see when I can catch it.
