Wednesday, December 08, 2010

An Anniversary

I was living in Fort Worth and attending UTA part time when John Lennon was killed.

I was living with a boyfriend and we had gone to bed with the TV on. I just happened to wake up and that particular news story was on. It really crushed me. John was my favorite. Even though I did not grow up with the Beatles I appreciated and loved the music. The White Album a lifetime fave.

Lennon's solo work was my favorite of all the solo Beatles. To me his stuff was/is timeless. Something that crossed all time and eras and genres.

A few years ago there was a cd with some of his greatest work. I listened to it for weeks!! With the holidays here they often play his,"So This is Christmas", and it is one of my fave holiday songs.

I will always regret that we did not get to see what else he might have accomplished.


3HourTour said...

I really was into JL at the time.I had just bought Double Fantasy the day that he was murdered!I
was stunned _

Dharma said...

Wow, how's that for coincidence?

3HourTour said...

Ive always had a fondness for that album, even the Yoko stuff

Dharma said...

As the years have gone I have gotten over her!! :-D As long as she doesn't try to sing. She does do other good stuff in NYC.

3HourTour said...

I found the song, Kiss Kiss Me