Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Yay!!!!! It's Summer.

Summer, summer, glorious summer! How I love the summer. It even makes working seem not so bad. Not when you can come home while it is still daylight, eat, be outside, have fires or do so many other things that summer offers.

How great is it to sit outside, with your laptop, and read/write. Play with the dog. Have a glass of wine or go to any of the myriad of festivals and farmers markets that seem to be every weekend in the summer.

Fresh fruits and veggies abound as do grilled meats of all varieties, some on sticks, others on plates or buns.

Music is everywhere outside. Bar/tavern patios are buzzing with friends current or from the past. What a time to catch up. talk about old times or politics...who cares as long as you have a cocktail and it is outside!


3HourTour said...

Hello dharma:-)
Looks like you're having 1 hell of a summer:-) I like your grey dress. For the rest of your photos I need more information. Who's the guy in the first photo? Who are all the dogs? Inquiring minds want to know:-)

3HourTour said...

On second thought,I guess that there is only one dog in the cage(I thought the black object was a puppy:-)..so never mind about that.

Your Mom looks good.

So,does all that food.

Dharma said...

Some were taken at the Kent Fest others in my yard. The guy in the pic is a very good friend and he met us at the Zephyr next to the Loft. They have the largest outdoor patio in town. My 10 month old Golden is in the kennnel.

Thanks for responding & the dress comment!! It is one hell of a summer!!! :-D And yours as well I hope.

3HourTour said...

Hi, again,Dharma. My summer is going good as well.Robyn & I each got bicycles so we are hitting the bike trails ever so often. I haven't ran the last two weeks because of sore back(better now) .Adam has dated his girlfriend for over 5 years now.Tyler has gotten his first tattoos and Nik is spending his summer as summer staff at a church camp