Friday, March 07, 2008

That Could Change Things or Better Living Through Chemistry

Seems that Benny Shannon, a professor of cognitive psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, published a study in the Time and Mind Journal. He is suggesting that Moses ,and others during biblical times, were using mind altering substances and that would explain the many scenes of burning bushes, voices from the heavens and the overall feeling of a religious experience. Raw Story and American Foreign Press both had articles about this recent publication. The publication suggests that it was common for the people of the time, especially the religious leaders and followers, to take mind altering substances that would come from the acacia tree which is mentioned often in the Bible.

It makes you wonder if they had music that went on for 17 minutes. How popular would the Grateful Dead or Pink Floyd have been? Maybe the Last Supper was really just a food fest because everyone had the munchies. Hmmmmmmmmm.........


What If There Is dog? said... could have been God....

What If There Is dog? said...

...or I have to admit it would be fun if we smoked some damn good shit and found religion:-)