This was the amazing meditative article, from the Living Life Fully web site, that gave me great food for thought. Especially after I had spent the larger portion, of my young adult and adult life, joining churches and molding myself into their ideas of who and what is good. It has not been until the last 2 years that I have actually come into my own and really started to enjoy my life. As the "questions to ponder" ask about believing in yourself.... I never used to. I believed that I was only as good as "they" said that I was. As long as I behaved in ways that fit with their teachings, as long as I went to studies and volunteered I was a-okay in their minds.
It was not until I totally took myself out of their influences that I began to discover myself. The fact that I believed in something divine was something that I had to develop on my own and on my own terms. I finally feel like I own my own emotions and beliefs, that they do not belong to some church or organization. Granted, I do not have any ladies to have punch and cake with on Sunday afternoons, but I am secure and strong. I am totally me and do not have to rely on those places to be my social network.
It doesn't even have to always be with a church either. I realized how many of the people that I used to think were my friends, ended up I was just fused to their behaviors and thoughts.
From the time I was 12 I was always looking for the "thing" that would help me to fit in and be part of something. It has taken this long for me to find the way to just be happy with myself and be part of the human race.
Hi,Dharma.Good for you.It is quite amazing to find yourself.You have every reason to be happy with who you are...for you are quite an amazing person.I am very proud of your journey of self discoveryAwesome:)
Hi Dharma!
I've been struggling with a teacher from my daughter's school who runs an afterschool program that they attend two days a week. She keeps preaching at them about how being a born again Christian is the only true religion and how everyone else is bad, wrong, and doomed to burn in hell. Sigh. Today she was telling them all about how pagans are awful and don't believe in god. Double sigh. Has she even noticed the tree of life pentacle sticker on my car??
P.S. I'd love to make a pendant for you! Any theme you would like?
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