Saturday, February 23, 2008

When Harry Met Sally & Bill O'Reilly Continues to Piss People Off

As I am still recovering from my fall, and subsequent back injury, I have been watching much more TV as of late. That meant that along with the muscle relaxers, and no wine, I spent last night watching one of my favorite movies of all time, "When Harry Met Sally". Even when I don't catch this little gem right at the opening speeches, by the married couples, I still get drawn into it. Then, just my luck, TBS played it again and I got to see all the parts that I missed! Since I was in my drug induced stupor it was all just fine with me. Who can not love how cute and adorable Meg Ryan was in those days, or how funny & smart the dialog was. Now Bruno Kirby has passed away, at too young an age, and Carrie Fisher is almost unrecognizable!! Time does march on.....

Seems that Bill O'Reilly is up to his usual bag of tricks. Pissing folks off and getting away with it. You know, these radio & TV people are not stupid. They read teleprompters, but they also know what is going to sell and get them their beloved ratings. DUH! How else will they be able to hold their place in the competition if they do not generate some controversy? So, we have Mr. O'Reilly making an obnoxious remark about Michelle Obama and talking about a "lynching" in the same sentence. What a tacky asshole. It gets him noticed and talked about, which is exactly what he & his network people want us to do. He really is a nasty jerk, just like Rush et al, and we all play right into their hands. I personally can not stand the guy and I hate that I am even talking about it, but now he has issued some lame apology yadda, yadda, yadda.....It will not ever end. As long as you have the talking heads and "stir-it-up" radio people there are going to be remarks made that are insensitive and obnoxious. I wish that we could just ignore them, but this article, as well as my rambling, just proves that we can not.


What If There Is dog? said...

I am going to boycott all FOX programing(including NASCAR & The Simpsons)until FOX fires Bill O'Reilly.

Dharma said...

Hell will freeze over first!! :-) He's a money maker and I doubt that they will ever get rid of him. Controversy makes for good ratings.

What If There Is dog? said...

No...he has to be fired,now...

..say I said I should shoot and kill Laura Bush for disagreeing with me on Tv.I would be arrested and thrown in jail!

He has threatened the life of a presidential candidate.His word usage is plain'once he finds out that she disagrees with him he is forming a lnyching party.'

He is telling his fan base unless she publicly takes his side-not if and when she goes against him-the statement is too vague for that-that he will form a group of people to violently KILL her!

Please,read it again!This is him publicly threatening her life!

He should be arrested and put on trial.

If I said once McCain comes out comes out saying 'We will be in Iraq 1,000 years I am going to get some of my buddies and drag him from the back of a car...what would Mr. O'Reilly say...

What If There Is dog? said...

...and granted in the context of his speech [ ]it could sound like he is actually defending her...but once something like this is out there it does not ever go away.