How can you look at nine puppies and try to pick one? Let alone leave with just one!! This was our dilemma as we went to pick out our new Golden.
Our plan was to eventually get a dog from our local APL when we felt ready. Then a couple, who frequent the coffee shop, told me that their Golden was pregnant. I felt that it was time. With John going to China soon and fall approaching I was ready to commit to training a new puppy.
We knew that we wanted a female and by the time we got there there were three to choose from. I got into the baby pool, where they were keeping the pups, and played witht hem and let the right one pick me. After 20 minutes I put them all away from me and the one that walked back over and barked at me seemed to be the one.
Hubby and I have always had a hard time naming our dogs. It takes us forever to agree on a name, and this time was no different. I was out at the picnic table going through baby names on my laptop and he was in the house. I was in the C"s and happened to stop on the name Cady. As he was coming out the door he said,"Hey, what do you think about Cady"? I am not kidding! We knew that was the name!
They will be ready to leave between the 29th and Oct.2, so I have time to get puppy chow and toys and training pads. Ready to sleep on the couch for a week or two. Ready to spoil the new baby.